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Ursuline College

‘Act, move, believe, strive, hope, cry out to God with all your heart’

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St Angela's Sixth Form Center


At Ursuline College, we recognize the importance of providing our Sixth Form students with a dedicated and tailored environment to support their unique needs. 


Within our school, we have established the St. Angela’s Sixth Form Centre, a space exclusively designed for our older students. This building offers a quiet study room equipped with modern ICT facilities, a group study room for collaborative learning, a common room for relaxation and social interaction, a well-equipped kitchen, and a tranquil back garden with a covered area. Having this dedicated space is immensely beneficial to our Sixth Form students as it offers a sense of independence and responsibility, fostering a mature and focused learning environment. It allows them to concentrate on their studies, collaborate with peers, and engage in personal growth while enjoying a comfortable and supportive setting that caters to their unique needs as young adults. This space empowers our students to excel academically, develop essential life skills, and establish a strong sense of community within the Sixth Form. Importantly, there is always a member of the Sixth Form team timetabled to be in the building which means students have constant access to pastoral care and support when needed.

Our Mission and Values

We value each individual as a person made, known and loved by God

We value the whole person, spiritual, physical and intellectual

We value forgiveness and reconciliation

We value justice, equal opportunities and fairness

We value faith development as individuals and as part of communities

We value learning, growth and achievement

We value serving others and caring for those in need

Read Our Values & Ethos Statement

Trust Information

Ursuline College is an academy, and part of the Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership. The Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership is an exempt charity and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales under company registration number 08176019 at registered address: Barham Court, Teston, Maidstone, Kent, ME18 5BZ. St Edmund's Catholic School is a business name of Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership.
