Late/Absence Procedures
Late to School Procedure
The school day begins at 8.45am.
Registers open daily between 8.45am and 9.15am.
All pupils should be on site and in their Form Rooms for AM registers by that time.
Gates open at 8.30am for pupils to begin to come onto site.
If pupils arrive after 8.45am, but before 9.15am, they will receive an L code for Late to form.
Our House Support Officers are on the gate between 8.40am and 9.05am every morning, and issue 15 minute lunchtime detentions for those pupils arriving after 8.45am.
Students who arrive after this time should sign in at Main Reception and their House Team will be notified.
Arriving late to school and lessons can seriously disrupt pupils learning and also results in an unauthorised mark on their register. Persistent lateness can also result in a Penalty Notice or Fine from KCC.