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Ursuline College

‘Act, move, believe, strive, hope, cry out to God with all your heart’

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Kent Catholic School Partnership Statement of Curriculum Intent


"I have come so that they may have life and have it to the full"

John 10: Chapter 10. V 10.


Inspired by Jesus Christ’s example and the Gospel values of love, joy and compassion, we nurture and develop the whole child so that each unique individual grows constantly in confidence, and has the knowledge, skills and self-esteem to achieve their true potential.


All children will access a rich, ambitious, challenging curriculum; one that is broad, balanced and relevant, fostering curiosity, creativity and a life-long love of learning. It will prepare them well for each stage of education, employment or training and enable them, as educated citizens, to contribute to creating a better world. 

Ursuline College Statement of Curriculum Intent 



As an Ursuline Catholic community characterised by a spirit of Serviam, respect, love and trust for one another, we strive to promote academic and personal excellence, in an understanding that getting better never stops.


The curriculum at Ursuline College, Westgate is more than just the subjects we teach. Our curriculum is everything we do to support the development of our students into strong and responsible leaders of the modern world. Driven by our core values, it is challenging and ambitious, aiming constantly to promote a love of learning and inspire our students to always want to be the best versions of themselves.


Our Curriculum Intent focuses on: 


  • Supporting and promoting our distinctive Ursuline Catholic ethos.
  • Challenging, inspiring, motivating & engaging our learners, helping them to succeed and understand that getting better never stops.
  • Ensuring our students gain the knowledge and skills of literacy, numeracy, oracy & ICT they need for education, employment and life.
  • Ensuring our students gain the personal skills such as teamwork, communication, and resilience they need for excelling outside of the school community. 
  • Enriching our students’ learning through a wide array of memorable learning experiences.
  • Enabling our students to make positive, informed choices about the next stage in their education and life.
  • Supporting our students in developing the characteristics and skills required to transition to the next stage of their education. 
  • Contributing positively to our students’ physical, mental and personal well-being and safety.
  • Enriching our students with a strong focus on deepening their cultural capital and understanding of the world around them.

Our Mission and Values

We value each individual as a person made, known and loved by God

We value the whole person, spiritual, physical and intellectual

We value forgiveness and reconciliation

We value justice, equal opportunities and fairness

We value faith development as individuals and as part of communities

We value learning, growth and achievement

We value serving others and caring for those in need

Read Our Values & Ethos Statement

Trust Information

Ursuline College is an academy, and part of the Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership. The Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership is an exempt charity and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales under company registration number 08176019 at registered address: Barham Court, Teston, Maidstone, Kent, ME18 5BZ. St Edmund's Catholic School is a business name of Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership.
