16 to 19 Bursary Fund Guidance Notes
The Ursuline College Sixth Form Bursary Fund is designed to help and support any student who faces financial barriers to participation in education and training; such as the cost of transport or equipment.
The scheme is divided into two types:
Nominated Bursary
This bursary will be awarded to:
*Young people aged 16 and 17 in care.
*Care leavers aged 16, 17 and 18.
*Young people aged 16, 17 and 18 who are in receipt of Universal Credit (for example, young people who are living independently of their parents, those whose parents have died and teenage parents)
Discretionary Bursary
Assistance with Travel and Learning Fund
This assistance is available to students who are not eligible for the full Nominated Bursary who live in a household whose family income is £26, 938 per annum or less and whose parents/guardians are in receipt of any of the following:
• Universal Credit.
• Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999.
• The guaranteed element of State Pension Credit.
• Child Tax Credit provided they are not entitled to Working Tax Credit
• and have an annual income (as assessed by HM Revenue & Customs) that does not exceed £26, 938.
• Working Tax Credit 'run-on' - the payment someone may receive for a further four
weeks after they stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit.
N.B. The level of support which the School can offer is dependent on the total funding received from the Education Funding Agency (EFA) and the number of applications it receives. The level of funding may vary during the academic year. There is no guarantee that all applications will be successful.
Bursaries will be distributed in two ways:
1. Assistance with Travel to school
To receive assistance with the 16+ Travel Card, a student must meet the criteria above for either nominated bursary or discretionary bursary, and live over 2 miles away from the school. If assistance is granted, the school will make payments on behalf of the student towards the cost of the pass. All payments will be attendance, effort and behaviour related and will be withdrawn if it is felt appropriate standards are not being met. The balance owing will then become the responsibility of the parent and will need to be paid in full to the school or the pass will be cancelled with KCC and any outstanding balance will need to be paid in full by the parent/carer.
Students who travel by train to school and meet the criteria above for either nominated or discretionary bursary, will be entitled to make applications for reimbursement on proof of purchase.
2. Learning Fund
A student that meets the above criteria for either nominated bursary or discretionary bursary will be entitled to make ‘as needed’ applications to the Ursuline College Learning Fund in order to pay for uniform (clothing that meets the criteria of the dress code), books, equipment and educational trips etc. There is a limit of £300 spread across the academic year for clothing. Applications can be made by emailing Where possible the school will order goods on behalf of the student.
Eligibility Criteria
In addition to the above criteria students must be:
• Full time students at Ursuline College
• Under the age of 19 on 31 August in the academic year in which they start their program of study. Where a young person turns 19 during their program of study, they will continue to be supported to the end of the academic year in which they turn 19, or to the end of the programme of study; whichever is sooner.
Access to the bursary fund will be attendance, effort and behaviour related and will be withdrawn if it is felt appropriate standards are not being met. Should standards fall below what are considered appropriate; then future access will be withheld until the student can demonstrate that acceptable standards are being achieved.
The award of a bursary is at the discretion of the school and in making its decision the school will want to seek appropriate evidence from the young person. For example:
• Young person claiming, or eligible to receive free school meals. Documents needed:
(1) Last 3 months' Universal Credit award notice or latest Tax Credit award, and (2)
P60 (tax year ending April 2024) or the last 3 months' pay slips or evidence of self-employed earnings (for the 2023/24 tax year)
• Young person whose household receives income-based, means-tested benefits AND/OR whose gross annual household income is below £26,938. Documents needed: (1) Last 3 months' Universal Credit award notice or latest Tax Credit award, and (2) P60 (tax year ending April 2024) or the last 3 months' pay slips or evidence of self-employed earnings (for the 2023/24 tax year).
Additional Help
Under exceptional circumstances students who are not automatically eligible for an award can also apply for help with one off course related expenses (proof of income or hardship will be asked for). Applications for additional help will be considered on an individual basis and will be dependent on available funds. There is no guarantee that all applications will be successful.
Payment Conditions
• Applications need to be made each academic year. Receipt of bursary in one academic year does not guarantee bursary the next.
• In-year applications will be on a pro-rata basis.
• Attendance is the central feature link with effort and behaviour of the 16-19 Bursary Fund. Tutor registration and class registers will be checked prior to each refund or purchase being processed.
• A 16-19 Bursary payment will not be made if a student is recorded absent either from school or from lessons unless the absence has been authorised in advance and absences will only be authorised for one of the reasons identified on the absence request form. Authorisation will be considered and is at the discretion of the Director of Sixth Form.
• The following are examples of reasons why refunds or purchases may not be processed:
o Failure to complete coursework by the deadline date
o Failure to maintain behaviour in line with the Sixth Form Home School Agreement
o Non-attendance for any reason not pre-authorised including illness and medical appointments that could have been made out of school
o Illness, unless hospitalised
o Holidays
o Driving Lessons
o Part-time work
o Leisure activities
Application Process
Initial applications, along with supporting evidence, are to be made to Mrs Hall, by 20th September 2024. In-year applications will be considered dependent on sufficient funding being available. To apply, students need to complete the application form and bring into school original documents showing current supporting evidence, which will be copied and returned. Students will be notified if their application has been successful.
The details of all application forms and applications for funds will be recorded by the Director and Deputy Director of Sixth Form. The Director of Sixth Form will be responsible for ensuring that suitable standards of attendance, effort and behaviour are maintained.
Orders will be made by the Finance Office on advice from the Director of Sixth Form.
The government guidelines we must adhere to when administrating the 16-19 Bursary can be found here 16 to 19 Bursary Fund guide: 2024 to 2025 academic year - GOV.UK