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Ursuline College

‘Act, move, believe, strive, hope, cry out to God with all your heart’

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Exam Information

Examinations Boards 24-25

Examination Timetables  


Examination Timetables will be available on students Edulink One profile under Exams. 


If students do not see an exam they believe they should be entered for please contact both your teacher and the Exams Officer. 

Malpractice Reporting 


If you suspect of any Exam Malpractice to have occurred by Candidates or Staff please fill in the details on the below MS Form.


JCQ Malpractice Rules can be found under EXAmination Rules and Form

Results Day 


Results will be available on students Edulink One Profile under Exams, from 1pm on the day results are issued.


If students are unable to collect their results in person, and wish for someone else to collect their results on their behalf. This needs to be emailed from the students school email address to The email must state who will be collecting their results. The person collecting the result on behalf of the student must bring photographic ID on results day.

Examination Post Results Services

Listed below are the available services from examination boards in regards to post exam services.


Post-results service

Details of the service


RoR Service 1: Clerical re-check

This service will include the following checks:

 • that all parts of the script have been marked

• the totalling of marks

• the recording of marks



Only Service 1 clerical re-checks can be requested for objective tests (multiple choice tests).


RoR Service 1 with copy of re-checked script


RoR Service 2: Review of marking

This is a post-results review of the original marking to ensure that the agreed mark scheme has been applied correctly... Reviewers will not re-mark the script.  They will only act to correct any errors identified in the original marking… This service will include: 

 • the clerical re-checks detailed in Service 1

 • a review of marking as described above                 


RoR Service 2 with copy of reviewed script


RoR Service 3: Review of moderation (This service is not available to individual candidates)

This is a review of the original moderation to ensure that the assessment criteria have been fairly, reliably and consistently applied. It is not a re-moderation of candidates’ work…


ATS: Copy of script to support review of marking 

This is a priority service that ensures copies of scripts are returned in sufficient time to allow decisions to be made whether a non-priority review of marking should be applied for


ATS: Copy of script to support teaching and learning

This is a non-priority service to request copies of scripts to support teaching and learning                                                                                                                          


These services are subject to fees. If the school wishes to carry out these services the school will cover the cost. The school will contact you for your permission if they wish to carry out any of these services. However, if you wish to request one of these services not supported by the school, you will need to pay. The fees range from £10-£50 depending on the Exam Board and service. Additionally, these fees may apply to each separate exam paper/unit under an subject.

If you wish to carry out any of these post results services, please complete the GCE and GCSE Appeals form found below by the deadline dates and email to Examination Officer.





If you have yet to collect your certificate please contact Miss King via email. Stating your name, the level of qualification (i.e. GCSE, A-Level) and the year you obtained the qualification. 


Please note Ursuline College is only responsible for retaining certificates for 1 year after qualification is obtained. If you have have not collected your certificates within this time we can check if we still have have a copy. If we do not have your certificates you will need to contact each examination board to obtain copies. More information can be found at  


Certificates from Academic year 2023-24


Collection date TBC.


As these are legal documents they will need to be signed for. If the student themselves are unable to collect the certificates during this time frame someone may do this on their behalf. However, prior communication must be received to allow this to happen. The student themselves must email Examination Officer stating that they are not able to collect their certificate and must state who is collecting their certificate on their behalf. The person collecting the certificate must bring photographic ID.


If no one is able to collect the certificates during this time frame we can arrange alternative time to collect certificates during school opening hours. Please email Examination Officer to arrange this, detailing the academic year (e.g) 2022-2023 and school year (e.g. Y11 or Y12) and when you are intending to collect the certificates.


Should you have any questions concerning exams please contact

Miss H Fagg, Examination Officer.


School Number: 01843 834431 Ext. 2106



Our Mission and Values

We value each individual as a person made, known and loved by God

We value the whole person, spiritual, physical and intellectual

We value forgiveness and reconciliation

We value justice, equal opportunities and fairness

We value faith development as individuals and as part of communities

We value learning, growth and achievement

We value serving others and caring for those in need

Read Our Values & Ethos Statement

Trust Information

Ursuline College is an academy, and part of the Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership. The Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership is an exempt charity and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales under company registration number 08176019 at registered address: Barham Court, Teston, Maidstone, Kent, ME18 5BZ. St Edmund's Catholic School is a business name of Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership.
