Attendance and Punctuality
Our whole school approach to Attendance and Punctuality can be achieved by working together.
Attendance is always a high priority at Ursuline College and we are particularly proud that our overall attendance each year, is above the national average.
School is much more than academic learning and absence, when absent it means your child will be missing time with their friends and their teachers, these are important for building their understanding of relationships and social cohesion which are crucial to their wellbeing.
School Day
Our school day starts when main school gates are opened at 8.25am - all students are to be on site by 8.30am.
If students wish to be on site earlier, they can enter at 8am and will be directed to the canteen area where they will be supervised until 8.25am until a wider supervision around the school site commences. Form and first register are taken at 8.45am.
Every student must attend form on time or will receive a Late mark.
EVERY day at school counts
This table shows you how important it is for your child/children to have good attendance to make sure they don’t miss any vital learning.
365 days in each year | ||
175 Non-School Days a Year i.e - Weekends & School Holidays | ||
ONLY 190 school days in each year | ||
100% - 95% GOOD Attendance
| 94% - 90% WORRYING Attendance | Less than 90% SERIOUS CONCERN Attendance |
190 - 180 days of education | 11-19 days absence
179 - 171 days of education
| 19+ days absence
Less than 171 days of education
Best chance of success – gets your child off to a flying start
| Less chance of success Makes it harder to make progress. Action may be taken | Persistent absence will affect your child’s progress. Action will be taken |
What if my child is ill?
We fully understand that children are ill on occasions & when this is the case, we readily accept that being at home is the best place to be. Children can’t help being ill & as a school we want all our children to be well, healthy & able to learn happily & confidently when they are here.
If your child needs to be ABSENT from school
This must be done before 8.30am on each day of the absence.
Please phone the school on 01843 834431 – ex 2101 or
Email: or use
Edulink service
You will need to inform us of the following: Your child’s name, class & reason of absence.
Please support our school and discuss the importance of good attendance and punctuality with your sons/daughters to enable them to take every opportunity to reach their personal and academic potential.
If you are experience any difficulties with regard to regular attendance and punctuality, please contact the school to discuss what support may be available to you and the student.
From September 2013 the Department for Education have amended the Education (Pupil Registration) (England) Regulations 2006 removing the Headteacher’s ability to authorise any leave of absence.
Requests for leave in term-time will not be authorised.